

We are a nonpartisan / non-political citizen organisation, established in 2011 with a specific remit to enable good practice in equality and diversity and provide support and scrutiny to public sector organisations, the community and voluntary sector, with the strategic aim to bring people together to share knowledge and ideas, to take action for equality and create a fairer Hertfordshire.



To empower voluntary organisations, groups and networks to influence positive change towards and equal and fair Hertfordshire.


Through co-operation and co-ordination, to strengthen links between communities of interest while also attempting to expand voluntary sector engagement, which is genuinely representative of Hertfordshire’s diversity? 

To improve the quality of practice of public sector organisations and Voluntary Community Sector groups working with and for individuals, groups/organisations and communities in identified equality strands in Hertfordshire. To promote equality of opportunity in all aspects of life in Hertfordshire.

Promoting activities to foster understanding between people from diverse backgrounds; conducting or commissioning research on equality and diversity issues and publishing the results to the public; cultivating a sentiment favouring equality and diversity.